[elrepo] Installing Broadcom tg3 3-3.137k dirvers for CentOS 5.4 - Kernel 2.6.18-164.el5

Jagdish S. Varma jsvarma at connoiseur.com
Tue Dec 15 08:53:03 EST 2015

Hi Trevor
Yes I am able to install the kmod tg3 package.
I am trying to check if I can build the .ko installable module for the older kernel.

But I don't see the SRC folder after the tar command. Shouldn't the folder be there.
Is there anything else that I should be doing.

Best Regards
Jagdish S. Varma
Mob: +91-8277041000 / 9342509600

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Trevor Hemsley<mailto:themsley at voiceflex.com>
Sent: ‎15-‎12-‎2015 19:08
To: EL Repo General Mailing List<mailto:elrepo at lists.elrepo.org>; Manuel Wolfshant<mailto:wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>
Subject: Re: [elrepo] Installing Broadcom tg3 3-3.137k dirvers for CentOS 5.4 - Kernel 2.6.18-164.el5

On 15/12/15 13:15, Jagdish S. Varma wrote:
> Dear Wolfy
> I upgraded the kernel to 2.6.18-407.el5.
> Now I ran the tar command so that I can build a loadable module tg3.ko

If you upgraded the kernel then you can use the ELRepo kmod. No need to
build it yourself now.

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