[elrepo] nvidia-detect feature enhancement
nux at li.nux.ro
Fri Feb 13 11:29:05 EST 2015
Great idea, go for it!
Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Phil Perry" <phil at elrepo.org>
> To: "ELRepo Mailing List" <elrepo at lists.elrepo.org>
> Sent: Friday, 13 February, 2015 15:04:32
> Subject: [elrepo] nvidia-detect feature enhancement
> Hi all,
> We've recently received a suggestion and contribution from some of our
> friends at Scientific Linux to add a terse (-t) command line argument to
> provide a more terse output of only the package name (kmod-nvidia,
> kmod-nvidia-340xx, kmod-nvidia-304xx etc). For example:
> $ nvidia-detect -t
> kmod-nvidia-340xx
> Where I particularly like this suggestion is it's proposed use in the
> form of:
> # yum install $(nvidia-detect -t)
> In fact I like this suggestion so much I'm thinking of making this
> output the default behaviour and adding a verbose (-v) switch instead of
> the terse (-t) switch originally proposed.
> I'd really like some input from users here as you guys use nvidia-detect
> in ways I'd not thought of.
> If we went with the verbose option, default text output would just be
> the package name, or null. Thus, I would expect usage:
> # yum install $(nvidia-detect)
> to behave as desired - either it will install the appropriate package or
> yum will fail due to no package name.
> The only thing I'm unsure how to handle is nvidia-detect's warning
> messages. I don't really want to suppress these by default, but if we
> don't then yum will treat them as a list of arguments and try to parse
> them (not what we want).
> Anyway, I'd really appreciate hearing the thoughts of users.
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