[elrepo] CentOS/Kernel 3.18/Thunderbolt2

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Mon Jan 26 14:11:20 EST 2015

On 26 January 2015 at 18:55, Israel Brewster <israel at ravnalaska.net> wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2015, at 6:38 AM, Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org> wrote:
>> On 26 January 2015 at 01:25, israel <israel at ravnalaska.net> wrote:
>>> I just got a new SuperMicro box with a AOC-TBT-DSL5320 Thunderbolt2 card
>>> pre-installed. I installed CentOS 6.5, ran yum update, and then, because to
>>> my understanding at least, thunderbolt support was added in kernel 3.10, I
>>> went ahead and updated to kernel 3.18 from ELRepo. This all appeared to work
>>> fine, and my system came back up running kernel 3.18 as expected, but when I
>>> plugged in a thunderbolt hard drive there was no indication that CentOS
>>> recognized the drive - even after a re-boot. Am I missing something, such as
>>> needing to install a special driver for this thunderbolt card, or the drive
>>> being identified differently than sd? Or does Linux/CentOS simply not
>>> support Thunderbolt2? Thanks.
>> Am I correct in assuming that the Thunderbolt2 card is a PCI bus
>> device? If so, what are the relevant lines that are output by a lspci
>> -nn command?
> Yeah, the thunderbolt2 card plugs into a PCI slot, as well as having a cable running to the GPIO headers on the motherboard. That said, nothing jumps out at me from the output of that command. There are a number of references to a PCI bridge, a Core i7 I/O APIC, ISA bridge [0601]: Intel Corporation C610/X99 series chipset LPC Controller, and a generic "Intel Corporation Device" system peripheral, but other than that it looks like most of the things listed are not relevant.
> I did find reference to running an egrep on the /boot/config-3.18.3-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64 file, which returns the line "CONFIG_THUNDERBOLT is not set", however, which would seem to indicate that the ELRepo kernel build is simply not compiled with Thunderbolt support. So I may just have to try compiling the kernel myself or the like. Dunno.

No, please don't bother about compiling a kernel yourself.

I strongly suspect that there will be new source tarballs available
from the LKA on either Wednesday or Thursday of this week. As a
consequence I shall be building new kernel-{lt|ml} package sets for
EL6 and EL7.

So as long as I remember to take a look at the configuration files,
the next kernels we release will have Thunderbolt support enabled.


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