[elrepo] el7: Intel Braswell i2c host adapter support

Björn Gerhart gerhart at posteo.de
Tue Feb 2 01:23:00 EST 2016

> Am 21.01.2016 um 17:27 schrieb Björn Gerhart <gerhart at posteo.de>:
>> Am 18.01.2016 um 20:17 schrieb Phil Perry <phil at elrepo.org>:
>> The elrepo standard where a module is backported from an upstream kernel
>> is the use any internal module versioning if present or version 0.0 as
>> in this case if no versioning information is provided. Thus the version
>> will never indicate the kernel it is backported from. The changelog
>> should always say which kernel the module was backported from, in this
>> case kernel-4.1.15, so that's where users should look for that information.
>> So this module will likely progress as 0.0-1, 0.0-2, 0.0-3 etc for each
>> new release.
>> The nct6775 example you refer to is slightly different as it is not
>> backported from the upstream kernel but is maintained out of the kernel
>> tree in a separate git repository, thus we use the git date notation to
>> indicate the date the source code was pulled from the git tree.
>> Hope that makes sense
> Yes it does, sounds good. Thanks for explaining.
>> If you file a bug with Red Hat I'd appreciate if you could post a link
>> here so I may follow it. If we can get native support added to the RHEL
>> kernel then we can deprecate our kmod package.
> Ok, opened an issue on Red Hat’s Bugzilla - although it’s a kind of change request and not a real bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1300200
> I’ll keep an eye on it and inform the list once it gets fixed.
Last Thursday Red Hat has closed the issue with resolution: NOTABUG. The related comment is: Intel Braswell (6,76) is not currently supported on RHEL7.

Best - Björn

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