[elrepo] New release of the fglrx drivers (version 15.12 ) is available for EL7 in the testing repo

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Mon Feb 15 18:19:51 EST 2016


The latest release of the fglrx drivers available from AMD ( ATI ) i.e. 
15.12 is now available for EL7 users, currently via ElRepo's *testing* 
repo.If no one complains, I intend to promote those packages to the 
stable repo in a "reasonable" period of time.

These packages should work OK on all EL7 compatible systems, without 
creating any of the previous known issues (apparent freeze at boot ).

As before, relevant logs are eagerly awaited together with any bug report.

Please open new bugs on http://elrepo.org/bugs/ if you encounter any 
issues. Feedback is more than welcome.


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