[elrepo] wl-kmod error at installing

S.Tindall s10dal at elrepo.org
Mon Jan 18 17:47:56 EST 2016

On Mon, 2016-01-18 at 17:22 -0500, S.Tindall wrote:

> There is something really strange going on with your modprobe. Your
> modinfo looks fine, but the modprobe "insmod:ERROR" makes no sense.
> Try running:
>  # depmod -a
>  # modprobe wl
> If that fails, then I suggest you clean up the system and reinstall
> kmod-wl by:
>  1) boot an older kernel
>  2) remove kmod-wl and the latest kernel (3.10.0-327.4.4.el7.x86_64)
>  3) reboot
>  4) install the latest kernel
>  5) reboot
>  6) install kmod-wl

Be sure to build kmod-wl (or any package) as a regular user, not as
root. Looking at your posts, you might have built as root, which is
always a bad idea. Strange things can happen when you do that.

Building as root "might" cause some of the oddities we were seeing.


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