[elrepo] aacraid build errors

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Sat Aug 12 06:34:19 EDT 2017

On 12/08/17 09:28, Nick Howitt wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Nick,

> I am trying to build the aacraid-1.2.1-x driver in ClearOS 7.3 (Centos 
> 7.3 derivative) and I'm getting the following errors:

I see the same errors when trying to rebuild 
kmod-aacraid-1.2.1-6.el7.elrepo against kernel-3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64

Our original package was built against the RHEL 7.1 kernel and has been 
compatible with kernels up to the el7.3 series. However it is not 
compatible with the RHEL7.4 kernel and I see the same errors trying to 
build it for RHEL7.4.

That said, the native kernel driver in RHEL is now newer than our driver 
so we plan to deprecate kmod-aacraid in favour of using the distro 
kernel driver.

So your choices are to rebuild the existing package against an older 
kernel and it should work for you on your 3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64 
kernel (assuming you retain binary compatibility with the kernel 
subsystems used by the aacraid driver) or use the distro kernel driver 


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