[elrepo] aacraid build errors

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Sat Aug 12 10:53:47 EDT 2017

On 12/08/17 13:11, Nick Howitt wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> Thanks for looking at it. Please don't waste any more time on it. We've 
> realised the particular Adaptec card we had can only handle 2TB arrays 
> which is nothing these days! mdadm on standard SATA ports will probably 
> be the solution.
> Regards,
> Nick


So we will deprecate kmod-aacraid from the el7 repository, and I would 
suggest all users use the distro driver going forward if they require 
continued support.


> On 12/08/2017 11:34, Phil Perry wrote:
>> On 12/08/17 09:28, Nick Howitt wrote:
>>> Hi,
>> Hi Nick,
>>> I am trying to build the aacraid-1.2.1-x driver in ClearOS 7.3 
>>> (Centos 7.3 derivative) and I'm getting the following errors:
>> I see the same errors when trying to rebuild 
>> kmod-aacraid-1.2.1-6.el7.elrepo against kernel-3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64
>> Our original package was built against the RHEL 7.1 kernel and has 
>> been compatible with kernels up to the el7.3 series. However it is not 
>> compatible with the RHEL7.4 kernel and I see the same errors trying to 
>> build it for RHEL7.4.
>> That said, the native kernel driver in RHEL is now newer than our 
>> driver so we plan to deprecate kmod-aacraid in favour of using the 
>> distro kernel driver.
>> So your choices are to rebuild the existing package against an older 
>> kernel and it should work for you on your 3.10.0-514.26.2.el7.x86_64 
>> kernel (assuming you retain binary compatibility with the kernel 
>> subsystems used by the aacraid driver) or use the distro kernel driver 
>> (recommended).
>> Phil
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