[elrepo] Question about nvidia/radeon

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Wed Aug 23 05:42:25 EDT 2017

On 08/23/2017 12:21 PM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
> On 08/23/2017 10:09 AM, Maarten wrote:
>> No I don't have software in my lab that use CUDA acceleration, and no
>> software this is able to use CUDA acceleration.
> Nvidia's proprietary drivers are also offered by ElRepo in a format 
> better suited for RHEL and derivatives (compared to what NVidia 
> provides directly) and Phil does a great job in keeping them updated.
> I maintain the ElRepo packages for the older drivers from ATI ( 
> suitable among others for the graphic chips included in their APUs ) 
> and AFAIK there are no issues with them in EL6. For EL7 there are some 
> known issues because I was not able to do a better job, due to lack of 
> hardware (and time.. ) to test on. The new drivers ( needed for their 
> newest chipsets ) are provided in a format which makes life difficult 
> for whoever tries to repackage them... so I did not even try to do that.
> As a bottom line, based on what you described as needs, just pick 
> whichever you like. Both NVidia and ATI have pretty good opensource 
> drivers. Take into account what tasks you want the card for, I doubt 
> that you will not need the proprietary drivers.
Oh well, my keyboard had a bit of a stutter. Read that last phrase as 
"Taking into account what tasks you want the card for, I doubt that you 
would need the proprietary drivers."

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