[elrepo] Question about nvidia/radeon

Maarten mailinglists at feedmebits.nl
Wed Aug 23 07:53:29 EDT 2017

Yes I knew the AMD link was just checking if the kmod-fglrx supports
that card, so no.  It will still be a

couple of months before I actually buy a new card. Just gathering some
info now to help me make a

choice and so that I'll be prepared to know where to find the needed
drivers when I actually do

have the card 


On 08/23/2017 01:46 PM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
> On 08/23/2017 02:36 PM, Maarten wrote:
>> Thanks!:)
>> Seems like here I can find info about the opensource for radeon drivers:
>> https://wiki.freedesktop.org/xorg/RadeonFeature  . It
> All ATI cards that I know of work just fine with the radeon driver
> included in RHEL. However I do not know anything specific about RX cards
>> doesn't mention any RX cards there yet. So I should be just fine using
>> the kmod-fglrx driver from elrepo if I were to buy the Radeon RX580?
> Negative. fglrx does not support it, you need the one I did not
> repackage. You will need to pay a visit to
> http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Driver-for-Linux-Release-Notes.aspx
> and download / install the driver from there.
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