[elrepo] perf & python-perf missing?

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Mon Aug 28 14:00:00 EDT 2017

On 28 August 2017 at 12:11, lejeczek via elrepo <elrepo at lists.elrepo.org> wrote:
> On 22/08/17 17:07, Alan Bartlett wrote:
>> The perf and python-perf packages have now been built for the current
>> EL7 kernel-lt and can be downloaded from the relevant directories
>> under the https://elrepo.org/people/ajb/devel/kernel-testing/el7/
>> directory.
>> The packages have been signed and carry a subsidiary ".bcat" tag. They
>> have not been tested.
>> Please see if they operate correctly for you.
>> Alan.
> thanks,
> does these two have to strictly match kernel version? If not maybe we could
> have latest working version still in the repo?
> b.w. L.

To your first question, my truthful answer is "I do not know". As I
mentioned previously "They have not been tested." Perhaps you would be
able to test and provide the answer, please.

To your second question, the answer is a very firm no. As Akemi has
explained we do not modify the kernel sources. We deliberately do not
create src.rpm packages for our kernels but just the nosrc.rpm
packages. The reason for that decision is so that any person who
wishes to use our kernel-{lt|ml} package sets but is uncertain of the
source code provenance can rebuild the package set, using the upstream
source tarball that they have independently downloaded.

As I have to apply patches to the sources, so that the perf and
python-perf sub-packages will build (in an up to date RHEL 7.4
chroot), the resultant products have an extra tag (.bcat) and are only
available from my personal directory structure at elrepo.org


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