[elrepo] Great work!

Pat Riehecky riehecky at fnal.gov
Mon Feb 6 11:23:37 EST 2017


I believe blender is packaged up in EPEL -> 


On 02/06/2017 10:20 AM, Russell Schiwal wrote:
> First, I want to say Elrepo is fantastic!  Even after following
> carefully documented procedures on other Linux distros, getting Nvidia
> drivers to load properly is a hit-or-miss proposition. Elrepo never
> fails me.
> I have built a Blender Cycles GPU render farm. 4 machines are driving 9
> Nvidia graphics cards on CentOS 7 and Elrepo provided Nvidia drivers.
> You have saved me days of work and frustration.
> Would it be possible for Elrepo to distribute Blender. This is a very
> powerful and popular free program that strangely is lacking in CentOS.
> The Cycles GPU renderer was designed to utilize CUDA, which only works
> on actual Nvidia cards and Nvidia drivers. I can manually download and
> extract the program now, so it isn't a huge deal, other than the fact
> that .blend files are not associated with Blender. The reason I ask is
> that Elrepo fits Blender so well I am going to recommend it to the
> Blender forum. Even if you chose to do nothing, Elrepo use will be up.
> Elrepo, CentOS, Nvidia and Blender go together like Oreos and milk.
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