[elrepo] nVIDIA Latest Long Lived Branch version: 375.39

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Wed Feb 22 14:51:25 EST 2017

On 20/02/17 20:11, Phil Perry wrote:
> On 20/02/17 14:22, Bert RAM Aerts wrote:
>> On 14/2 nVIDIA released the Latest Long Lived Branch version: 375.39.
>> Could
>> elrepo provide an updated nvidia-x11-drv package? Thanks.
> Yes, it's on my ToDo list - I'll get to it as soon as I can.
> Sorry for the delay.

Just released, currently syncing to the mirrors and should be available 


Again, apologies for the delay.

There will also be updates to the legacy 304.xx and 340.xx driver 
branches which I'll try to get built Friday or Saturday.



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