[elrepo] elrepo nvidia driver and latest cuda (version 9)

Giacomo G. Brussino gbrussino at comcast.net
Tue Nov 7 13:11:46 EST 2017


Thank you for the reply. 

It's clear that the latest version of CUDA includes some repackaging that is causing the conflicts. 
I did notice it requires an older version of the driver and find that disturbing. 

As far as I recall, we had to stop using the proprietary nvidia drivers because they were causing 
conflicts with the Red Hat provided libglx.so and breaking updates and / or applications. 

I am not looking forward to trying again the proprietary nvidia drivers, and apparently older versions provided in the CUDA repo. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Phil Perry" <phil at elrepo.org> 
To: elrepo at lists.elrepo.org 
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 10:40:10 AM 
Subject: Re: [elrepo] elrepo nvidia driver and latest cuda (version 9) 

Hi Giacomo, 

I'm not familiar with CUDA but let me share some observations below. 


The cuda installation is pulling in cuda-drivers (above) which in turn 
pulls in the following nvidia driver packages with conflict with the 
elrepo driver packages. 

Our nvidia-x11-drv package provides 'cuda-drivers' (current version 
384.98) which is >= than the cuda-drivers.x86_64 0:384.81-1 being pulled 
in above. Our package should have already satisfied that dependency so 
I'm unsure what/why it is being pulled in? 

So there must be some other dependency chain pulling in cuda-drivers 
form the CUDA repo. Solve that and we should be able to fix the issue. 


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