[elrepo] Centos 7.4 and fglrx
Manuel Wolfshant
wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Sat Oct 14 16:48:23 EDT 2017
On 10/13/2017 03:09 PM, Jeremy Schaeffer wrote:
> Just a friendly reminder to rebuild the fglrx package when you get a
> chance, thanks! - Jeremy
Please insert a new coin, pray and then try to use the packages that I
have just uploaded to http://wdl.lug.ro/fglrx/testing ( the 15.12-7 set )
You need only the kmod and fglrx-x11-drv-15.12-7.el7.elrepo.x86_64.rpm
Beware that X might NOT start as it should due to missing or incorrect
xorg.conf. Since version 15.12-6 of the packages I switched to using
ATI's own tool for creating the configuration file but unfortunately I
have access only to systems running EL6. Therefore due to lack of
hardware I cannot test EL7 packages beyond making sure they can be
properly installed in a VM. If this happens and you can ( know/have
time/etc ) to debug, I would deeply appreciate the feedback as this is
the only reason the packages were not pushed to elrepo repos proper.
Please keep me posted.
> On 10/10/2017 11:28 AM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
>> On October 10, 2017 7:23:52 PM GMT+03:00, Jeremy Schaeffer
>> <kb9mfd at phonesplus.biz> wrote:
>>> Thank you, I assume you will provide the link or notice once you have
>>> time to rebuild it.
>> I will do it tomorrow because my home PC broke 2 days ago. And of
>> course I will post the links :)
>> Manuel
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