[elrepo] Using kmod-wl in EL7 - stuck on mokutil "Failed to enroll new keys"

Steve Tindall s10dal at elrepo.org
Sat Apr 14 01:01:50 EDT 2018

On 04/13/2018 03:50 PM, Robert Nichols wrote:
> I've gone through the steps on the elrepo.org/tiki/wl-kmod page, but 
> cannot load the new wl module. Running "mokutil --import 
> /etc/pki/elrepo/SECURE-BOOT-KEY-elrepo.ord.der" just gets "Failed to 
> enroll new keys".
> The elrepo.org/tiki/SecureBootKey page references a subscriber-only 
> Red Hat page for help. Any help for someone who cannot read that page? 
> (Yes, I know about "Just turn off secure boot." Looking for an actual 
> answer.)
In the case of kmod-wl, you built the binary on your system, so it is 
not signed with the elrepo secure boot key. Only EL7 kmods built on the 
elrepo build systems are signed with the elrepo secure boot key. 
Installing the elrepo secure boot key on your system will not help in 
your case.

To use kmod-wl with secure boot, you need to generate your own secure 
boot signing key, sign kmod-wl with it and import the public key onto 
your system as described at:


Real PITA, hence why so many people ask "Do you really need secure 
boot?" :-)

Red Hat just released RHEL 7.5 on Tuesday and I think they were updating 
their standard documentation today, hence the inability to reach the 
link earlier today. The above link is from the 7.4 release or so it 
seems. The link is available to anyone, not just RHEL subscribers.

Hope that helps.


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