[elrepo] yum-plugin-nvidia breaks systems

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Mon Dec 3 15:03:14 EST 2018

On 27/11/2018 22:19, Phil Perry wrote:
> On 27/11/2018 20:46, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>> I was able to remove the nivida packages without anything else needing 
>> to be
>> removed - so something else must have been brought in as well to 
>> satisfy the
>> dependencies as well.
> That's interesting. I'm not 100% sure what happened or why. I had no 
> issue updating a non-nvidia RHEL7 system with elrepo enabled, so I'm not 
> entirely sure why yum pulled in nvidia packages on your system but not 
> on mine.
> Thanks for reporting it though, and glad it was easy to resolve.

I have received some more reports of this issue. I've opened a bug to 
track it here:


The best workaround I can suggest for now is to disable elrepo whilst 
performing the main system update from el7.5 to el7.6. Once the main 
system update has been performed, update again with elrepo re-enabled as 

I will push an updated nvidia-x11-drv package to the main repository now 
which I think should fix the issue for nvidia-x11-drv, but it is likely 
the issue will still exist for the older legacy packages 
(nvidia-x11-drv-390xx etc).

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