[elrepo] Failure to install kmod-nvidia on CentOS 7.4 (kernel symbol(?) requirements wrong)

Darby Vicker darby.vicker at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 15:09:57 EST 2018


I'm running into this same issue but with a couple of machines with current
installs.  I just installed a fresh machine this morning (CentOS 7.5), yum
updated to get all the latest packages and then tried to install
kmod-nvidia.  I get the same error stack as indicated in the first message
in this thread.

Additionally, I have another machine that I newly installed a couple weeks
ago (Oct 24) with the same procedure.  At the time, kmod-nvidia installed
fine.  I just tried a "yum update", and I again get the same error message
as indicated in the first message in this thread.

So I then went back to the machine I installed this morning and tried to
install the same version of the drivers I have on my machine that was
installed 2 weeks ago:

yum install kmod-nvidia-410.66-1.el7_5.elrepo.x86_64

This worked.  Is this a problem with the current nvidia packages in elrepo?

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