[elrepo] RHEL6, Linux-4.19 & Kernel-ml: A Kernel Too Far.

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Wed Oct 24 18:06:29 EDT 2018

On 10/25/2018 12:51 AM, Alan Bartlett wrote:
> Those of us who follow proceedings upstream at kernel.org will know
> that the minimum version of GCC required to build a kernel was updated
> from 3.2 to 4.6, as of linux-4.19.
> As GCC version 4.4.7 is shipped with RHEL6 it means that kernel-ml,
> using the latest released sources from Linus Torvalds, can no longer
> be built.
> After a discussion, within the ELRepo Project, it has been decided
> that as RHEL6 will reach end of life in 25 months time it is
> appropriate to declare the kernel-ml-4.19.0-1.el6.elrepo package set
> as a "kernel too far". Whilst the linux-4.18.X branch is still being
> supported, we shall continue to build and provide the
> kernel-ml-4.18.X-1.el6.elrepo package sets. Once the linux-4.18.X
> branch has been declared at EOL, any user of the
> kernel-ml-4.18.X-1.el6.elrepo package set should either revert to the
> kernel-lt-4.4.Y-1.el6.elrepo package set or migrate to RHEL7.
just for my curiosity: why not use the devtoolset-7-gcc ( currently at 
version 7.2 and 7.3 )  ?

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