[elrepo] Installing Centos 8.0.1905 to Dell T310
Alan Bartlett
ajb at elrepo.org
Fri Dec 20 19:48:05 EST 2019
On Fri, 20 Dec 2019 at 05:05, gday vw <gdayvw at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a Centos newbie.
> I'm trying to install 8.0.1905 from a USB stick to a Dell T310 with a PERC controller
> No local disk is being detected by the installer so I suspect that I need a driver.
> I found this link
> https://centosfaq.org/centos/centos-8-installation-not-recognizing-local-disk/
> Which discusses using DUD's, beyond the fact that the DUD is some way of loading a driver - I have no idea how to use the DUD.
> It looks like once I figure out which DUD that I need, then I download a second ISO. Is my understanding correct here?
> If so, once I have the DUD ISO, I can't see how I load the DUD into the CentOS installer.
> Do I need to update the installer with the DUD instead?
> If so, how?
> I'm guessing that all of these questions have been asked by someone else already. Is there a way to search the archives, because I couldn't figure out how to do that. Hence my post.
> Thanks in advance
> VW
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To determine the correct driver required for the controller, you would
need to find the Vendor:Device ID pairing. FAQ#4 shows how that can be
done --
Once you have that information, I'm sure we could then point you in
the right direction.
Just in case you are not aware, there is a CentOS forum available --
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