[elrepo] Wireguard and 5.6 ml

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Thu Apr 2 17:04:07 EDT 2020

On 31/03/2020 07:40, Danie de Jager via elrepo wrote:
> Hi,
> Wireguard on kernel 5.6 works as expected. I setup Wireguard connections 
> as normal, just needed to install wireguard-tools.
> *Danie de Jager*

Great to hear of your success!

Just so you are aware, the plan is for elrepo to provide the wireguard 
module, either as kmod-wireguard for el7/el8 distro kernels or natively 
within kernel-ml, but the wireguard-tools package will be maintained in 
EPEL moving forward.

This means we will not be updating wireguard-tools in elrepo (it will be 
removed shortly) and recommend you switch to using the package in EPEL 
which is being actively maintained moving forward.



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