[elrepo] Crash with kmod-hfsplus-0.2-1.el9_0.elrepo.x86_64.rpm

Akemi Yagi toracat at elrepo.org
Tue Aug 16 14:41:14 EDT 2022

On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 7:06 AM Roger Sewell <roger.sewell at cantab.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I appear to have a consistently reproducible crash using rockylinux 9.0
> and the above kernel module, as follows:
> Packages in use:
> kmod-hfsplus-0.2-1.el9_0.elrepo.x86_64.rpm
> hfsplus-tools-540.1.linux3-26.el9.x86_64.rpm
> How reproducible:
> Has happened on 3 occasions out of 3.
> Steps to produce problem:
> Format a memory stick partition using mkfs.hfsplus, mount it (say on
> <mnt1>), and put in it the contents of the hfsplus partition from a
> standard rockylinux 9.0 livestick (let me know if you'd like me to send
> you those contents, but I suspect that all that matters is that all the
> files are owned by root apart from <mnt>/.. which is owned by somebody
> else, and that they have various different permissions - the output of
> ls -laR <mnt> is below).
> Take a second memory stick, again format one partition using
> mkfs.hfsplus, mount it (say on <mnt2>).
> Run
> cp -a <mnt1>/* <mnt2>
> Result: crash and reboot.
> I couldn't find a specific way on your bug-reporting site to search for
> whether this bug is already known or not. Please advise whether it is
> known or whether I should be reporting it there.
> The problem did *not* happen if I omitted the -a argument and instead
> gave -r.
> Thank you,
> Roger Sewell.

No bugs have been filed against kmod-hfsplus for el9. So please go
ahead and report this on the bug tracker.


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