[elrepo] kmod-3w-9xxx update?

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Mon Nov 14 02:32:29 EST 2022

Thanks for the feedback.

We have a script we run that checks to see if any of the kernel symbols 
that the package uses have changed since the last kernel release, 
commonly referred to as kABI breakage.

The method the kernel uses to hash function prototypes is not perfect, 
but it's good enough in 99% of cases. Your looks like one of those 1% of 
cases that slip through the net, and we are unable to detect without 
having the physical hardware to actually test.


On 13/11/2022 22:03, Brent Jensen wrote:
> That solved it! Just curious...how do you know when you need to update 
> kernel modules? Thanks!
> On 11/13/2022 1:21 PM, Phil Perry wrote:
>> Hi Brent,
>> I wasn't aware of any issues, but I have rebuilt lmod-3w-9xxx against 
>> the RHEL 8.7 kernel just in case:
>> kmod-3w-9xxx-
>> The updated package has just been released to the main elrepo 
>> epository and should be available on mirror sites shortly.
>> Please can you let us know if this solves the issue for you with the 
>> 4.18.0-425.3.1.el8.x86_64 kernel.
>> Many thanks.
>> On 13/11/2022 17:57, Brent Jensen wrote:
>>> BTW, it never gets to the login screen and panics shortly after 
>>> selecting the kernel. The previous kernel is fine.
>>> On 11/13/2022 10:55 AM, Brent Jensen wrote:
>>>> By any chance should there an update to kmod-3w-9xxx that didn't get 
>>>> built/pushed for the 4.18.0-425.3.1.el8.x86_64 kernel (el8)? I have 
>>>> a system that panics (can't seem to grab the logs; has no crash 
>>>> output) and it uses this k-mod. Thanks. Brent
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