[elrepo] kernel 5 for centos 8.3 with NTB

Trevor Hemsley themsley at voiceflex.com
Wed Feb 1 14:14:06 EST 2023

On 01/02/2023 18:10, Tamas Toth(BHU) via elrepo wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m looking for a kernel version 5 for CentOS 8.3 with NTB support, 
> what I installed Kernel-lt 5.4.230 but it has no NTB support, is there 
> any kernel version which has NTB support:

Please be aware that CentOS Linux 8 is dead and out of support and has 
been since Jan 2021. There will be no more updates to it and it already 
has high severity security vulnerabilities that need patching. If you 
are running CentOS 8.3 then you are probably insecure. It was superceded 
by CentOS Stream 8 which differs from RHEL by being upstream of it and 
using newer packages that are not as as stable. At the same time, there 
were also new organisations that formed to fill the void that CentOS 
Linux left behind. You should look at Rocky/Alma/OEL or even RHEL 
itself. All of those aim to be as close as possible to RHEL while 
avoiding Red Hat trademarks. You should look at migrating to one of 
those ASAP.

I checked using `yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel provides '/ntb*.ko' 
'*/ntb*.ko.xz'` and I see lots of hits in the distro kernel for ntb 
modules but none from any ELRepo kernel. To get that supported added 
you'll need to log what's called an RFE on 
https://elrepo.org/bugs/my_view_page.php to ask for it.



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