[elrepo] x86_64_v2 build consideration in the future?

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Sat Dec 28 09:21:38 EST 2024

On 27/12/2024 09:03, d tbsky wrote:
> Akemi Yagi <toracat at elrepo.org>
>> We'll see if we can afford to have the resources to build and maintain
>> x86_64_v2 packages. In the meantime you can tell Alma (Johnathan
>> Write), "x86-64-v2 Alma10 will be useless without ELRepo". Joking
>> aside, it will be nice if they can rebuild our kmods etc for Alma
>> users.
> there is discussion about sign secure boot keys for ELRepo.
> so I believe they understand how important ELRepo is :)

The code for Secure Boot signing is embedded in the SRPM package, so it 
is easy to sign elrepo kmod packages for Secure Boot using your own key 
when rebuilding the packages. One solution would be for ALMA to generate 
and distribute their own SB key, and to sign the packages if/when they 
were to rebuild them.

We (elrepo) are happy to assist in any way we are able.


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