[elrepo] How is the ELRepo LT kernel version chosen?

Daniel Lindgren dali.spam at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 10:17:44 EST 2025

> It is worth keeping an eye on the el9 distro kernel, as Red Hat do
> backport stuff at each point release, so they may backport the Intel ARC
> GPU support you require. Filing a bug (or a support ticket if you are a
> customer) can highlight the need, but the process isn't always fast.
> RHEL10 beta is currently shipping with a 6.12 kernel, and I expect this
> to remain so for the GA release. Should be out in a couple months (May),
> I'm guessing.
> Phil

I have a RHEL 10 beta installed with kernel 6.11rc5, maybe it's been
updated since I downloaded the beta ISO.

Version 6.12 would be better though since it is a LTS version and
other distros might use it too.


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