Resolved (sort of).<br><br>I had to manually create /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and do an ifup eth0.<br><br>If I had to guess, this situation arose because the NetworkManager service is dead and I suspect the NetManager service is dead because when CentOS 6.0 was first installing, it couldn't find the device driver for 1969:1083 so it went fishing. Installing the driver for 1969:1083 and doing all kinds of reconfiguring/rebooting didn't revive NetworkManager.<br>
<br>Here's the console log that I get when bringing up eth0 now.<br><br><br><br>[root@localhost jabowery]# ifconfig<br>lo Link encap:Local Loopback <br> inet addr: Mask:<br> inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host<br>
UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1<br> RX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0<br> TX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0<br> collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 <br>
RX bytes:720 (720.0 b) TX bytes:720 (720.0 b)<br><br>[root@localhost jabowery]# ifup eth0<br><br>Determining IP information for eth0... done.<br>/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ipv6: line 56: /etc/sysconfig/network: No such file or directory<br>
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-aliases: line 125: /etc/sysconfig/network: No such file or directory<br>[root@localhost jabowery]# ifconfig<br>eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 50:E5:49:2E:5E:FC <br> inet addr: Bcast: Mask:<br>
inet6 addr: fe80::52e5:49ff:fe2e:5efc/64 Scope:Link<br> UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1<br> RX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0<br> TX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:1<br>
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 <br> RX bytes:9328 (9.1 KiB) TX bytes:1555 (1.5 KiB)<br> Interrupt:35 <br><br>lo Link encap:Local Loopback <br> inet addr: Mask:<br>
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host<br> UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1<br> RX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0<br> TX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0<br>
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 <br> RX bytes:720 (720.0 b) TX bytes:720 (720.0 b)<br><br>[root@localhost jabowery]# !cat<br>cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0<br>DEVICE=eth0 <br>BOOTPROTO=dhcp <br>
ONBOOT=yes<br>[root@localhost jabowery]# <br>