On 27 martie 2014 20:47:41 EET, Stephen Isard <7p03xyr02@sneakemail.com> wrote:<br>
>I have a naive, "this looks too good to be true" question.<br>
>I have been using the proprietary amd-catalyst X driver from the amd <br>
>website, meaning that whenever I upgrade the kernel, I have to run<br>
>their <br>
>uninstaller and installer again.<br>
>The elrepo kmod-fglrx tiki page has the wording "It is built to depend <br>
>upon the specific ABI provided by a range of releases of the same <br>
>variant of the Linux kernel and not on any one specific build", which <br>
>seems to suggest that if I used kmod-fglrx and the elrepo fglrx-x11-drv<br>
>rpm, I wouldn't have to uninstall/reinstall for kernel upgrades (at <br>
>least within, say, RHEL/Centos/SL 6.x). Is that right? I'd be very <br>
>pleased if it were.<br>
yes, it is true<br>