[elrepo-devel] Join the ELRepo contributors community

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Mon Nov 23 10:17:19 EST 2009


Sorry for the delay, I just do not know where the time has gone!

I have looked at your nx1001-kmod-*.src.rpm file and only needed to
make two minor changes:

(1) in the kmodtool-nx1001 file, I removed the (commented out) lines
with the reference to "FOO"
(2) in the spec file, I edited the URL: line to just be http://www.asus.com/

The package has now been built, signed and uploaded to the
elrepo-testing repository. It has also been documented in the ELRepo

Are you currently looking at merging the sdricoh_cs.c code into the
mmc-kmod package? Please let me know when it is ready . . .

With regards to the other packages you have offered to contribute, I'm
sure Phil will be in contact soon. As our very first contributor of
SRPM files, as distinct from a requester for a particular package to
be built, we do not currently have a procedure in place to handle such
an event. Changes are in progress (slowly).

Thank you once again for your contribution.


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