[elrepo-devel] ctxfi now in alsa-1.0.21

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Wed Sep 9 14:02:59 EDT 2009

Alan Bartlett wrote:
> On 09/09/2009, Phil Perry <phil at elrepo.org> wrote:
> <snip>
>>  I'll rebuild and get these
>>  packages uploaded for testing later today. I'd appreciate if as many
>>  people as possible could briefly test this package even if sound is
>>  currently working fine - just a quick test that sound continues to work
>>  as expected should suffice. I can test both x86_64 and i686 packages,
>>  but both boxes are hda-intel.

Packages are now uploaded to elrepo-testing, so everyone please test 
them over the next few days. They've just finished building so I've not 
had a chance to test them yet.

> Unfortunately I am unable to test the package. (My sound controller is
> ISA-bus based.) A CentOS forum search for "ctxfi" should turn up the
> previously mentioned thread and, hence, the person who prompted me to
> provide the kmod-ctxfi package. Perhaps you could ask if he would be
> willing to test for you?

We can always build kmod-alsa --with-isapnp=yes just for you... I
believe a certain other popular repo builds their alsa kmdls with that
option ;)

Actually it make make some sense to do so if the distro kernel doesn't 
have ISA enabled?

> As this discussion is taking place on the ELRepo-devel m/l, perhaps
> there are people out there in userland who will also be willing to
> test?

Indeed, the more people that test the better :)

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