[elrepo-devel] ctxfi now in alsa-1.0.21

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Thu Sep 10 07:26:38 EDT 2009

On 09/09/2009, Phil Perry <phil at elrepo.org> wrote:
> Alan Bartlett wrote:

>  > Unfortunately I am unable to test the package. (My sound controller is
>  > ISA-bus based.) A CentOS forum search for "ctxfi" should turn up the
>  > previously mentioned thread and, hence, the person who prompted me to
>  > provide the kmod-ctxfi package. Perhaps you could ask if he would be
>  > willing to test for you?
> We can always build kmod-alsa --with-isapnp=yes just for you... I
>  believe a certain other popular repo builds their alsa kmdls with that
>  option ;)
>  Actually [ does it make ] sense to do so if the distro kernel doesn't
>  have ISA enabled?

It is not sensible to build with the ISA bus enabled because the
package would then deviate from the EL 5 standard that we follow (as
established by RHEL 5).

As you, Phil, will recall from private conversations I have to run a
custom built kernel to use my hardware setup. To proceed with this
aspect of the conversation will be going OT.


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