[elrepo-devel] Old kernel-ml versions or specfiles?

Jamie Bainbridge jamie.bainbridge at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 20:04:16 EST 2016

Sometimes we want to test on different kernel versions to bisect an
issue down. For example, if I've got something which happens on 4.0
but not 4.4, it would help narrow down why to test on 4.1, 4.2, and

kernel-ml provides an easy way to do this. Especially when I'm guiding
someone else through troubleshooting something, it's really handy to
just give them an RPM which they can install and reboot.

I assume ELRepo does not keep around old kernel RPMs for
space/bandwith savings, but is there a place where old kernel-ml
specfiles are kept? I could at least feed them into rpmbuild and get a
convenient RPM package.


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