[elrepo-devel] Old kernel-ml versions or specfiles?
nux at li.nux.ro
Thu Mar 3 06:35:50 EST 2016
Check this for older stuff
Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jamie Bainbridge" <jamie.bainbridge at gmail.com>
> To: "EL Repo Developer Mailing List" <elrepo-devel at lists.elrepo.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, 2 March, 2016 01:04:16
> Subject: [elrepo-devel] Old kernel-ml versions or specfiles?
> Sometimes we want to test on different kernel versions to bisect an
> issue down. For example, if I've got something which happens on 4.0
> but not 4.4, it would help narrow down why to test on 4.1, 4.2, and
> 4.3.
> kernel-ml provides an easy way to do this. Especially when I'm guiding
> someone else through troubleshooting something, it's really handy to
> just give them an RPM which they can install and reboot.
> I assume ELRepo does not keep around old kernel RPMs for
> space/bandwith savings, but is there a place where old kernel-ml
> specfiles are kept? I could at least feed them into rpmbuild and get a
> convenient RPM package.
> Jamie
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