[elrepo] kmod-coretemp

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Mon Oct 19 07:24:45 EDT 2009

Simon Wilson wrote:
> Doing some reading - e.g. http://www.overclock.net/5639179-post5.html
> It would appear that the TjMax on some of these is a little more hit  
> and miss. A change in the hard coding from 100 to 90 would drop the  
> computed temp to be in the 15 to 20 degree range (even though ambient  
> is probably about 20 this evening), so it would appear that the  
> computed result, albeit based on a not "spec" 100 is probably closer  
> to actuality in this instance.
> At the end of the day, it's the distance from TjMax that is I guess  
> critical, and as long as I am sitting down at around 60 degrees from  
> that at idle it's unlikely to be too much of an issue... even at flat  
> out, which the server rarely is...
> Thoughts?
> Simon

Indeed. In the past I've overclocked a Quad Core Q6600 and run it flat 
out 24/7 for over a year (with very good cooling), and temps reported by 
coretemp generally stayed below 60C, even in the heights of summer. 
Unless you have a fan failure or a poorly fitted HSF you are unlikely to 
run into issues. In most cases I've seen, coretemp temperatures change 
fairly linearly with ambient temps.

In comparison, the fan on my laptop doesn't even kick in until coretemp 
hits 40C.

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