[elrepo] Announcement: Revised updated kmod-atl1e testing release (Version

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Mon Apr 12 13:18:01 EDT 2010

Announcing the revised release of an updated kmod-atl1e package in the
elrepo-testing repository:


This package provides an updated atl1e network driver, version, and is kABI compatible with all kernels from 5.0
(kernel-2.6.18-8.el5) upwards.

It is built to depend upon the specific ABI provided by a range of
releases of the same variant of the Linux kernel and not on any one
specific build.

As a result of discussions, both privately and on the ELRepo-devel
mailing list [1], this package will now obsolete the deprecated
kmod-atl1c package that is currently still available from the main

Users of the kmod-atl1c package should:

(1) yum --enablerepo elrepo-testing install kmod-atl1e\*
(2) service network stop
(3) modprobe -r atl1c
(4) sed -i.old 's/atl1c/atl1e/' /etc/modprobe.conf
(5) service network start

Users of the original kmod-atl1e package should:

(1) yum --enablerepo elrepo-testing update
(2) service network stop
(3) modprobe -r atl1e
(4) service network start

Testing and end-user feedback will be appreciated.

Assuming that no adverse issues are discovered, both of the current
atl1c & atl1e packages will be deprecated from the main repository and
then be replaced by the new atl1e package from the testing repository.

Thank you,

The ELRepo Team.

[1] http://lists.elrepo.org/pipermail/elrepo-devel/2010-April/000189.html

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