[elrepo] RFP: mISDN and Dahdi ...

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Tue Jan 12 07:22:05 EST 2010

2010/1/12 Clinton Lee Taylor <clintonlee.taylor at gmail.com>:
> Greetings ...
>>> I see there is a new kernel out for CentOS, so I would really like try
>>> and see if there are any problems or if I might be able to provide
>>> back some more positive feedback ...
>> That is always appreciated for the first kernel update following the
>> release of a kmod-package.
>  Okay, is there anything I can test or just a reboot into the new
> kernel with the kmod in place?

If the new kernel is already installed but has not yet been booted,
the output returned by something like the following should give you
the confidence to perform a reboot --

ls -l $(find /lib/modules -name \*.ko | grep -E 'extra|weak')

Essentially you will be looking for the symlink(s) from the
weak-updates/ directory of kernel-2.6.18-164.10.1.el5 back to the
module(s) in the extra/ directory of kernel-2.6.18-164.el5 . . .

If you see that, everything should be o.k. for the reboot.


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