[elrepo] issue with kmod-atl1c

Dag Wieers dag at wieers.com
Wed Mar 24 09:35:16 EDT 2010

On Wed, 24 Mar 2010, Nicolas Thierry-Mieg wrote:

> zhihua_ch at sohu.com wrote:
>>   To  * Dag Wieers: *
>> when I input 'uname -mr', output is '2.6.18-164.el5xen x86_64'
>> input ' rpm -qa kernel\* | sort', output is 'kernel 2.6.18-164.el5
>> kernel-headers-2.6.18-164.el5 kernel-xen-2.6.18-164.el5
>> kernel-xen-devel-2.6.18-164.el5 '
>> input 'find /lib/modules -name atl1c.ko -exec ls -ld {} \;'
>> output is '-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 134864 Mar 24 11:22
>> /lib/modules/2.6.18-164.el5xen/extra/atl1c/atl1c.ko'
>> output is all above.the network card cannot use.
>> what about the problem, how can I use the kmod rpm package?
> you seem to be using it correctly, it's basically install the rpm and
> you're done (though sometimes a reboot helps).
> you could try
> modprobe -v atl1c
> if it fails, dmesg might be informative.
> as a last resort possibly reboot, since you're doing stuff to the
> running kernel it's possible something got messed up?

It's most likely a problem with the Xen kernel and the driver. We have had 
issues like this with other drivers as well. The obvious solution for 
running virtualization with specific custom drivers is to migrate to KVM.

I know that is not always possible, but you may have no choice. Either 
have no atl1c or no Xen.

--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]

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