[elrepo] Announcement: Updated kmod-nvidia and nvidia-x11-drv [195.36.15] packages in testing

Akemi Yagi toracat at elrepo.org
Thu Mar 25 11:04:33 EDT 2010

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 7:28 AM, Phil Perry <phil at elrepo.org> wrote:

> I've successfully tested on 2 x86_64 systems, and Akemi and Dag have
> also both reported success.
> Given this is the first full release (non-beta) from nvidia for the
> 195.xx series (although they did make a number of beta pre-releases),
> I'm wondering if we should promote it to elrepo or leave it in testing -
> my thinking being that one might consider this release as a "point zero"
> release for the 195 series. Then when the next release to the 195 series
> driver is made, we promote that to the main repo.
> Or maybe I'm reading too much into it and the latest release should be
> stable enough for general consumption in EL.
> Either way, I'd be glad to hear opinions from users of the package, and
> others.
> Phil

I have updated yet another machine to the 195 version -- no issue.

I would suggest promoting this one to the main repo if:

(a) we are confident that the package installs successfully, and
(b) we do not see any major issue in the NVIDIA forum [1] for a month or so.

Guess (a) has been cleared. So far, I have not seen any reports with
serious issues in that forum.


[1] http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=30&forumid=14&x=15&y=10

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