[elrepo] Kernel-ml Packages for EL6 -- Release Candidate 10.2

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Mon Nov 28 06:17:57 EST 2011

Announcing the immediate availability of release candidate 10.2 of the
EL6 kernel-ml and associated packages in the sub-directories of

Please note that the packages are deliberately NOT signed and are NOT
appropriate for deployment.

Testers of these packages are advised of the open ticket [1],
otherwise more general discussions, etc, are welcome here.

The main difference between these rc10.2 packages and their rc10.1
predecessors is the correction of the naming of the configuration file
in the /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ directory. I thank Dag Wieers for noticing
that problem.

Unless any other "show stopping" issues are discovered and reported, I
am still aiming to provide the GA packages during this current week.

Thank you for helping me develop these packages.


[1] http://elrepo.org/bugs/view.php?id=153

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