[elrepo] Latest nvidia release [310.19] drops support for older 6xxx and 7xxx series cards

Steve Cleveland stevec at engr.oregonstate.edu
Fri Dec 28 15:56:19 EST 2012

>> So presumably you'd like to see us fork and rename the current 304.64
>> release immediately rather than waiting for any subsequent updates to
>> the 304.xx driver from nvidia? I guess this also makes sense for new
>> installs on older 6xxx/7xxx hardware once the 310.xx series driver
>> (currently in the testing repo) hits the main elrepo repository.
> That would be ideal. Even if both were the same version currently.

Just curious where things are with this?  I'm assuming the 310 driver 
won't be released from testing until this new package is available?

I identified several machines in my environment that would need to 
switch to the 304 package.

>> I'd also like to hear from any users of the other 96xx and 173xx
 >> legacy releases as I've received very little feedback on these and
 >> will update them if I can find some users who can test them.

I haven't yet identified any older machines (running 173 and 96 
packages) in my environment, but I'm still waiting on one report (run by 
a different group that I support) that may include some.  I'd be willing 
to test updates if I do.

  - Steve

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