[elrepo] RE driver update incompatibility issue
Lamar Owen
lowen at pari.edu
Mon Jan 28 16:26:56 EST 2013
On 01/28/2013 02:54 PM, Phil Perry wrote:
> On 25/01/13 23:13, Lamar Owen wrote:
>> On Jan 25, 2013, at 4:03 PM, Nux! wrote:
>>> - why not in cases like this send a Requires for some noarch that
>>> executes a script and does a "yum replace"[1] based on pci id?
>>> How does that sound?
>>> [1] -
>>> http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/6/SRPMS/yum-plugin-replace-0.2.5-1.ius.el6.src.rpm
>> Ah! It _does_ exist!
>> Having gone through the 173.xx before, and now 304xx with three
>> separate boxes, this would be very nice, IMO.
>> As it was, I had several packages that required nvidia-x11-drv
>> installed, and had to reinstall them as well when 'crossgrading' from
>> nvidia-x11-drv to nvidia-x11-drv-304xx and friends.
> Hi Nux, Lamar,
> Thanks for the suggestions. I apologize, I've just got back from a
> weekend away so haven't yet had time to look at it in any detail.
First, let me say that I thank you for the packaging, for sure. I
personally have no complaints...... and I'll apologize for the length
of this post ahead of time.... :-)
> But, if I understand correctly, the above yum plugin allows one to do
> something like 'yum replace pkg1 --replace-with pkg2'.
> This requires two additional packages to be installed - the noarch
> containing the script and the yum replace plugin.
> Is yum replace really needed? Couldn't one just do:
> yum erase --nodeps kmod-nvidia nvidia-x11-drv
> yum install kmod-nvidia-304xx nvidia-x11-drv-304xx
> which should achieve the same thing?
I'm not sure that it would necessarily have the same effect;
particularly if you need nvidia-x11-drv-32bit (which I do, for several
things). Call me old-school, but --nodeps tastes like paregoric.
Package replacement should be fully depsolved, IMO. I should be able to
say 'yum replace nvidia-x11-drv --replace-with nvidia-x11-drv-304xx' and
it pick up the proper kmod to replace, along with devel packages and the
32-bit compat package. And, when I upgrade my video card, going the
other way with an equally terse line would be very nice indeed.
> Anyway, my main concern here is that we over complicate matters
> looking for a solution to a problem that arises very infrequently (~
> every 5 years based on the last legacy release?) and is relatively
> easy to resolve when it does arise - i.e, it's easy to yum downgrade
> or yum erase and yum install the previous version.
Actually, if you're using NetworkManager and using per-user network
profiles (like wireless logins) it's not quite as straightforward. I've
dealt with that before, in Fedoras 12, 13, and 14 using a different
repo's nvidia driver, and getting the kernel and the driver out of sync
(I _love_ kabi-versioning kmods like the ones ELrepo builds!). It
becomes a catch-22; at that time you had to have the GUI to get
networking, but the GUI wouldn't come up due to the driver not being
in-sync, and so you were dropped to a command line with no networking,
and ifup may or may not work.... I had that happen twice before I got
wise to it, and made sure the updated kmod was available before allowing
yum to upgrade the kernel or the x11 driver (which was decoupled more
from the kmod than it is with the ELrepo packages). I could see
something similar happen in EL6. At least with the ELrepo packages the
versioning is set up better than what I was dealing with with F1[234],
where the kabi could indeed change in an update.
And I realize those are corner cases; they just happen to be corner
cases I've experienced.
And when we're talking about video drivers, robustness of the process is
king, as when things break here, you get command line (which is fine for
me, but I'm not the typical user).
> I think the main issue here is that some folks have a tendency to
> install and forget stuff on their systems and then rather than taking
> at least some responsibility for maintaining what they've installed
> from 3rd party repo's choose to blame everyone but themselves when
> something goes wrong.
Oh, I personally agree with that statement, since people really need to
track what they have loaded (I did, and I didn't get bit). But having
done packaging for a number of years, several years ago, for PostgreSQL,
I do have a bit of compassion for the 'install-it-and-forget-it' crowd,
as well as for the packager who is saddled with upstream's
incompatibility decisions.....
And less is definitely more, IMO, since the more you try to do in
packaging, the more tends to break. Been there, broke that. Had some
people rather angry with me, and for good reason.....
> On a technical level, I'm still trying to get my head around how Nux's
> suggestion might work. Once a yum transaction is underway we seem
> fairly limited in what we can do.
I have run up against this myself, back in PostgreSQL 6/7 days. RPM
scriptlets are quite constricted in their ability to do things
(contrasted with Debian dpkgs, which have a lot of leeway, relatively
speaking). I had grand plans of doing PostgreSQL dumps and restores
inside scriptlets; Jeff Johnson straightened me out pretty quickly and
made me realize that, since the scriptlets also may have to run inside
an anaconda chroot, there are things you just can't (reliably) do. And
since anaconda allows third-party repo selection during install these
days, it's still just as true today as it was in 1999, even for ELrepo
packages. Kickstarts are alos a case in point, there.
The only thing I can think of that would improve the general user
experience in the long run would complicate things for you as the
packager, and would dramatically increase the package size. And that's
to package all four 'trains' (to use a Cisco IOS-ism) of nvidia binary
and select, udev-style, which one gets loaded at either install-time or
boot-time. I'm not sure it's worth it to do all that, especially for
something that, as you say, doesn't tend to happen very often at all.
So someone would install nvidia-x11-drv and dependencies, and those
packages would select, maybe at boot time, which actual binaries need to
load based on udev. That's a pretty major undertaking, IMO. A cool
side effect would be painless hardware upgrades and downgrades within
the nvidia family; if the driver selects during boot which modules to
load then you get the best driver for whatever hardware you have
installed. But I say that being completely ignorant of how udev-aware
the nvidia stuff is...... :-)
> Originally I decided against echoing a warning to the console as I
> felt this was little more than repeating the warning the driver
> already logs to /var/log/messages, but in hind sight this might not
> have been such a bad idea. We could put a script in %post to check
> compatibility and echo a recommendation for the correct legacy driver
> together with a link to the url for the relevant documentation.
This could be done; in the anaconda chroot the user won't see the
warning, though (some folk actually do updates using discs; I seem to
remember seeing a post along those lines on the CentOS list
recently..... of course, most of those won't go select third-party repos
during the update, but it is remotely possible). These days most people
update with yum, and in that context it shouldn't be a problem.
> But lets discuss it some more as at the very least it's an interesting
> packaging challenge :-)
Indeed, and I appreciate your openness to such a challenge.
The pipe-dream, and a 'better than Windows' experience, is a single
package set that covers all legacy versions plus the current version and
leverages udev to load the right bits at boot time. I have no clue how
difficult that would be to implement, other than it's likely to be
pretty hard.
As I say, I'm not complaining about the status quo; I'm very grateful
for all the work that you do and have done in just getting us the bits
packaged, and packaged very well indeed, IMO.
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