[elrepo] RE driver update incompatibility issue
nux at li.nux.ro
Mon Jan 28 17:52:13 EST 2013
On 28.01.2013 21:26, Lamar Owen wrote:
> The pipe-dream, and a 'better than Windows' experience, is a single
> package set that covers all legacy versions plus the current version
> and leverages udev to load the right bits at boot time. I have no
> clue how difficult that would be to implement, other than it's likely
> to be pretty hard.
> As I say, I'm not complaining about the status quo; I'm very grateful
> for all the work that you do and have done in just getting us the bits
> packaged, and packaged very well indeed, IMO.
Lamar's idea is quite neat! +1
And I do agree we might just overcomplicate things for "nothing".
Things work pretty, pretty, pretty well the way they are now; my
suggestion was just for "what ifs".
And to get back to it, I pictured something in the lines of:
1 - nvidia update soon, prepare but don't release, maybe put it in some
separate repo
2 - release a new e.g. elrepo-release that would pull in and execute
3 - nvidia-updatescript checks pci ids, pulls in the proper rpms.
Sounds a bit complicated indeed and step 3 might not be even
technically possible, as Lamar said %post stuff is quite limited.
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