[elrepo] ATI (fglrx) drivers version 15.9 & EL7

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Tue Nov 10 21:37:43 EST 2015

On 11/10/2015 06:35 PM, Williams, Roy wrote:
> Wolfy,
> That works without issue, 
could you please send me the logs left by Xorg after startup ? On the 
other tester's PC something odd is happening. To cut a long story short
- the file with the custom path for X modules that I added is not 
reported as being loaded
- despite the above,  the logs show that the correct library is still 
loaded but...
- ... the path reported for it is incorrect, pointing to the stock library !

It looks like a rather benign X bug ( in the logging engine ) but prior 
to filing a bugzilla entry I want to check on other systems.

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