[elrepo] fglrx CVE-2015-7724

Stephen Isard 7p03xyr02 at sneakemail.com
Sat Apr 2 11:51:43 EDT 2016


I have dropped my fglrx driver and kernel module back to 14.12-1 in 
order to get a working version of X.  14.12-1 is vulnerable to the 
attack described in CVE-2015-7724, but if I'm interpreting the cve 
correctly, it looks as if an attacker needs to get into the machine 
in order to exploit the vulnerability.  This is a single user machine, 
and if an attacker has got to the point of being able to install files, 
I am already in trouble.  So it seems as if the added risk from running 
the out of date drivers is not very great.  Do you think that that is a 
correct assessment?  Obviously it would be better to use a driver 
without the vulnerability, but I don't seem to have that choice at the 

By the way, this machine has two monitors attached.  Can you see any way 
in which that might be relevant to my problem with 15.12-1?


Stephen Isard

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