[elrepo] fglrx CVE-2015-7724

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Mon Apr 4 02:44:56 EDT 2016

On 04/02/2016 06:51 PM, Stephen Isard wrote:
> Wolfy,
> I have dropped my fglrx driver and kernel module back to 14.12-1 in 
> order to get a working version of X.  14.12-1 is vulnerable to the 
> attack described in CVE-2015-7724, but if I'm interpreting the cve 
> correctly, it looks as if an attacker needs to get into the machine in 
> order to exploit the vulnerability.  This is a single user machine, 
> and if an attacker has got to the point of being able to install 
> files, I am already in trouble.  So it seems as if the added risk from 
> running the out of date drivers is not very great.  Do you think that 
> that is a correct assessment?  Obviously it would be better to use a 
> driver without the vulnerability, but I don't seem to have that choice 
> at the moment.
Based on 
, it does indeed look like the attacker needs to have access ( so as to 
create the symlinks needed for the exploit to work ). If there are other 
means of taking advantage of the security bug.. I do not know.

> By the way, this machine has two monitors attached. Can you see any 
> way in which that might be relevant to my problem with 15.12-1? 
AFAIK it should not matter.  To me, your issue looks like a genuine 
regression in the fglrx code.

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