[elrepo] nvidia-x11-drv and GLVND
Pat Riehecky
riehecky at fnal.gov
Fri Aug 26 11:37:31 EDT 2016
On 08/25/2016 03:18 PM, Phil Perry wrote:
> On 25/08/16 20:09, Pat Riehecky wrote:
>> On 08/25/2016 12:35 PM, Phil Perry wrote:
>>> On 25/08/16 09:54, John Hodrien wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 25 Aug 2016, Phil Perry wrote:
>>>>> From my understanding, nvidia first enabled GLNVD in the 361 beta
>>>>> release and there were some reported compatibility issues, mostly
>>>>> with
>>>>> games I believe. In the 361.28 driver release they then
>>>>> incorporated a
>>>>> legacy libGL library and made that the default.
>>>> I've not completely followed the changes, but 361.28 broke Matlab.
>>>> No such
>>>> problems with 367, other people reported happiness with 364.
>>> Brilliant - real testing with real apps. When I searched I mostly
>>> found issues being reported WRT games, so it's nice to hear that
>>> issues with Enterprise use cases have been fixed. Please feel free to
>>> feed back any other experiences of colleagues etc that you may hear.
>>>>> So hopefully the current 367 release should be more stable no most of
>>>>> the issues have been resolved, so the next major long lived release
>>>>> from nvidia may be a sensible time for elrepo to roll out GLNVD
>>>>> enabled packages by default.
>>>> I've switched to your glvnd build on my desktop, so it's getting a
>>>> fair
>>>> bit of
>>>> testing here.
>>> Fantastic, let us know if you encounter any issues.
>>>>> So at the moment I see no reason not to consider rolling out GLNVD
>>>>> enabled packages.
>>>> I'd agree entirely.
>>>> jh
>> I don't have a card that supports this driver, but I've had good luck
>> building http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=767365 ->
>> glmark2 for EL6/7
>> That might provide an interesting stress test for video features. May
>> shake out some edge bugs......
>> Pat
> Thanks for the suggestion Pat.
> Does the Fedora source RPM build cleanly on el6/7? Or if not do you
> have a package you could share?
> Thanks,
> Phil
My memory says, I was able to just take the fedora package and rebuild
it as is.
On the off change my memory was wrong, I've published the SRPMs at :
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