[elrepo] intel skylake support

Farkas Levente lfarkas at lfarkas.org
Mon Sep 5 06:45:16 EDT 2016

Currently all new intel cpu (ie skylake) has intel hd graphics 515, 520,
530 integrated video card support. It's not supported on centos-6.7. I
try to find any kind of solution and read about it. Only linux mint, and
latest patched ubuntu support it. The problem is the needed kernel
support (at least 4.4) and a patched xorg intel driver. It seems even
rhel 7.3 won't support it (at least the beta rhel-7.3 do not support
it). Where I mean to support only van use 1 xv port and very basic
feature by default. Unfortunately all current motherboard's has a slot
which support only skylake or newer intel cpus (not to mention all
current and new laptops).
Is there any plan to support it in elrepo?
IMHO it's on of the biggest lag currently in linux.

  Levente                               "Si vis pacem para bellum!"

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