[elrepo] intel skylake support

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Mon Sep 5 15:24:14 EDT 2016

On 05/09/16 11:45, Farkas Levente wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently all new intel cpu (ie skylake) has intel hd graphics 515, 520,
> 530 integrated video card support. It's not supported on centos-6.7. I
> try to find any kind of solution and read about it. Only linux mint, and
> latest patched ubuntu support it. The problem is the needed kernel
> support (at least 4.4) and a patched xorg intel driver. It seems even
> rhel 7.3 won't support it (at least the beta rhel-7.3 do not support
> it). Where I mean to support only van use 1 xv port and very basic
> feature by default. Unfortunately all current motherboard's has a slot
> which support only skylake or newer intel cpus (not to mention all
> current and new laptops).
> Is there any plan to support it in elrepo?
> IMHO it's on of the biggest lag currently in linux.
> Regards.

For the kernel part, we have kernel-ml (currently 4.7) for el6 and el7, 
and kernel-lt-4.4 available for el7. These are vanilla upstream kernels, 
so if support is present in these kernels then they should support your 

For the xorg-x11-drv-intel driver, we have old xorg-x11-drv-intel 
packages in both el6 and el7 extras repositories, but they are *old* and 
unmaintained, and the latest distro versions are newer.

If you are able to update these and build newer versions that support 
your hardware (maybe use our SRPMs above as a starting point, or SRPMs 
from Fedora), we would consider adding the updated versions to the 
extras repository, but at the moment no one has volunteered to build / 
maintain them.

If you have not done so already, I would definitely make an RFE with Red 
Hat for them to add support to RHEL7 - if you are lucky you may get it 
included in time for 7.4 if it's not in the 7.3beta.

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