[elrepo] perf & python-perf missing?

lejeczek peljasz at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Aug 30 04:09:54 EDT 2017

On 29/08/17 22:54, Akemi Yagi wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 1:58 AM, lejeczek via elrepo 
> <elrepo at lists.elrepo.org <mailto:elrepo at lists.elrepo.org>> 
> wrote:
>     On 28/08/17 19:00, Alan Bartlett wrote:
>         On 28 August 2017 at 12:11, lejeczek via elrepo
>         <elrepo at lists.elrepo.org
>         <mailto:elrepo at lists.elrepo.org>> wrote:
>             On 22/08/17 17:07, Alan Bartlett wrote:
>                 The perf and python-perf packages have now
>                 been built for the current
>                 EL7 kernel-lt and can be downloaded from
>                 the relevant directories
>                 under the
>                 https://elrepo.org/people/ajb/devel/kernel-testing/el7/
>                 <https://elrepo.org/people/ajb/devel/kernel-testing/el7/>
>                 directory.
>                 The packages have been signed and carry a
>                 subsidiary ".bcat" tag. They
>                 have not been tested.
>                 Please see if they operate correctly for you.
>                 Alan.
>             thanks,
>             does these two have to strictly match kernel
>             version? If not maybe we could
>             have latest working version still in the repo?
>             b.w. L.
>         To your first question, my truthful answer is "I
>         do not know". As I
>         mentioned previously "They have not been tested."
>         Perhaps you would be
>         able to test and provide the answer, please.
>         To your second question, the answer is a very firm no.
>     Fine, no mods, I'm talking about bit different thing -
>     if the last working compilation was 4.4.78-1 then keep
>     in the repo. At this moment I do not see any of the
>     two in the repo for kernel-lt version.
>     If I was to make a guess - better with kernel-lt to
>     have perf-4.4.something than 4.12.something or
>     3.10.something, no?
> ​Earlier releases are available in the archives directory. 
> For example,
>> http://repos.lax-noc.com/elrepo/archive/kernel/el7/x86_64/RPMS/
> ​Akemi​
gee guys, surely they are. One can sroogle and find almost 
anything out there.
I was trying to share a suggestion - make it easy for people 
so they would not have to sroogle.
People would do --showduplicates and that's it, installed & 

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