[elrepo] https://elrepo.org/tiki/wl-kmod

Steve Tindall s10dal at elrepo.org
Thu Feb 8 22:41:03 EST 2018

On 02/09/2018 04:55 AM, JD wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install centos 7 (7.4, that is),
> on a friend's computer, which is equipped with
> a broadcom 4322 wifi chipset.
> I am so totally disgusted with the Centos people
> NOT providing rpms fo it, the way rpmfusion provides them for fedora.
> This build requirement, rpm macros creation ...etc
> are such a total turn-off for newbies wanting
> to run centos, they quickly look elsewhere, and they
> are also disappointed UNLESS they choose fedora
> and install rpmfusion repo rpms for the version
> of fedora they install.
> So, my question:
> Why could you not actually build the requisite rpms,
> and put them on your website???? Or better yet,
> provide .repo files for these rpms that are specific
> requirement to run broadcom wifi's.
> Thanx for your effort!!
> Cheers,
> JD


[rant] (Not directed toward JD)

The best way to address this issue is to stop purchasing hardware with 
restrictive firmware licenses and, specifically, to stop purchasing 
Broadcom hardware impacted by this issue. If the drivers were 
appropriately opensourced, then they would likely be included in the 
kernel and/or elrepo would build/distribute the binary.

Hey Broadcom. Are you listening? Only you can fix this problem.


As explained at http://elrepo.org/tiki/wl-kmod, Broadcom restricts the 
redistribute of their binary code.

If you download and unpack the Broadcom hybrid driver, then you will 
find license terms that include:

"2.3.    Restriction on Distribution.  Licensee shall only distribute 
the Software (a) under the terms of this Agreement and a copy of this 
Agreement accompanies such distribution, and (b) agrees to defend and 
indemnify Broadcom and its licensors from and against any damages, 
costs, liabilities, settlement amounts and/or expenses (including 
attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with any claim, lawsuit or 
action by any third party that arises or results from the use or 
distribution of any and all Software by the Licensee except as 
contemplated herein."

That part (i.e.,  defend and indemnify Broadcom and its licensors) is 
very clear and is not consistent with our distribution policies. We do 
not distribute binaries with this type of restricted code, often 
referred to as non-free.

To directly answer your question, anyone who wishes to use our nosource 
srpm to build/distribute the binary is free to do so, but please do not 
use the .elrepo distribution tag. Nux built/distributed the binaries for 
a while with our thanks/blessing, but it got complicated due to 
differences in minor release dates for rhel and its clones, so the 
binaries were removed.

Hope that helps you understand our position.

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